What Is The Worth Of Men
A girl will show you her worth by playing hard to get..she'll play you, tease you, milk you and even weigh you on a scale of preference...and if, but only if by fate, share grace, unfortunate fortunate fortune or by manly prowess in the psychology of winning 'soles' you won her precious heart of 'Gold' as they will say, after many am sorry, I promise, porous bank account, many call cards, birthday gift, non birthday gifts, mood changing and channeling gifts, love proof gift.... I know many guys would know some other tags i can't even thing of.... You'll still be brought low from whatever Olympia height you might be..basically in Nigeria irrespective of your calibre, most especially among Yorubas, subjected to prostrating before her parent and siblings after you must have spent a fortune( The Igbos will understand this better) before you can claim the right to get her to the home you own, feed and cloth her with your hard earned money...you'll need to w...