It is a good thing to dream. It is actually good to work things out in our head, to see the future, a beautiful future in a beautiful dream.
In fact, we've been advised to dream and not stop dreaming. With this, many have believed that our future successes depend on the beauty and multitude of our dreams. They simply hold it high esteem in their heart that the more you dream the more your future becomes clearer and surer. How far from the truth this is!
Many, because of this belief many have become "SLEEPERS". Little wonder they say the wealthiest place on earth is a graveyard. Many people died dreaming and accomplishing nothing.
literally, in a sleeping state, you will always remain in a place with occasional movement or loud breathing(snoring) that only connotes you are still alive and that is when you can dream. I actually have no problem with sleeping if its going to bring food on your table.
In fact, sleeping refreshes the body. However, it becomes a problem when you lost yourself in the act. If a person should sleep for hours and fails to wake up, people get agitated. So it is when you remain for long in your dreamland, lying down in a state doing nothing physically, it brings us concern if you are still alive or not.
If you continue to dream without getting up on your feet and taking acute action, you shall remain in a place just like the sleeper with an occasional movement of the body, breathing and snoring as a sign you're alive and not dead.
A dreamer is always a wisher. He will always wish he is in a better state. He will always see himself in his head. He will boast to his friends and relatives how beautiful his future would be. Alas! dreamers! enough of dreams! start doing! Bring out the beauty in your dreams by getting your hand dirty (legally).
Wake-up from your dream and face reality! Have you dreamed of becoming a leader? Then start by being a follower. Have you dreamed of starting a business? Get it started. Have you dreamed of becoming a motivational speaker, then start buying materials and attending programs aimed at giving you needed aids to become successful.
No matter how menial or small, no matter how legally dirty, put in a good effort because the beauty of a dream lies in its realization. Many people with beautiful dreams die with their dreams because they are not doing. They are people with visions who lack the drive to achieve success.
Stand up, go out, talk about it to people with visions, speak out, ask questions, gain insights, make researches, make mistakes and learn from them, let the dreams be your driver. Remember, dreams won't come to reality just because you had them, but because you took actions towards their realizations.
One thing about dreams is the more you work on them, the more they become clearer. Just know that people may not believe in your dreams if you aren't showing them. After all, we weren't in the vision with you. You are the only one who sees them. You may tell us from now till kingdom comes, but we may choose not to believe you. But when you show it to us, because seeing is believing, then we may buy into your dream.
So dreamers, get ready to pay the price and remember that the higher your dream, the higher the price you'll pay.
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